

Tyler Casey / Unsplash

Fostering innovation is one of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, supportive of achieving other sustainable development goals, such as ending poverty and hunger, ensuring access to energy, education and health, reducing and reversing climate change while promoting sustainable economic growth. In our quest to provide all relevant information on subjects that are relevant to our work, you will find here a compilation from Tiya Foundation of reports, articles, videos and links to organisations and institutions that are involved in designing, developing and implementing Innovative ideas & technology for achieving the same Sustainable Development Goals.

Innovation News & Videos


Friday, April 28, 2023

The future of fusion energy

Monday, April 24, 2023


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Tiya Foundation is registered in Sweden (Organisation No.: 802542-0061), Trillans Vag 49, 1401, 13149 Nacka, Sweden